Some restaurants feel the need to name some of their meals ridiculous things. Like zoo sticks. Or banana caramel xango. Or even Fluffy-Nummy Sticky McMickey Pancake Pals (ok I made that one up). I think the waitresses just get a kick out of hearing us say it. Most people avoid saying it at all costs.
You: "I'll get this." (points)
Waitress: "Sorry, what was that?"
You: "Um, this thing.. here."
Waitress: "What are you pointing at?"
You: (in resignation) "The Southwestern Fu Manchu Holy Guacamole Smoky Okie Dokie Burger..."
Waitress: "SURE!"
You get the picture. Even as a kid at a Denny's in the states one time I realized my mistake in ordering a breakfast sandwich called "Moons Over My Hammy." It felt inappropriate. Where is my hammy? and why should there be moons over it?
Or something like that.
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