Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Unforeseen Stoplight

                You are separating after a little rendezvous, you both say your goodbyes and get into your respective vehicles. After a final glance their direction and a friendly wave, you are rid of them and drive off. Please, don’t make this mistake! Let them go first. Pretend to fiddle with your car or take a phone call first, whatever you do just let them drive away before you go. Because you know what will happen otherwise. You drive away at the same time after parting and end up pulling up to the same stoplight. You glance over. They glance over. Suddenly you are looking at each other only seconds after having said goodbye. Of course this will be the longest red light ever as well. Do you wave again? Smile? Pretend they don’t exist? Who knows.
                There is another way this can pan out. It’s called “We Said Goodbye and Didn’t Realize We Were Parked Beside Each Other a Full Block Away.” Pretty self explanatory. You say good bye, maybe even HUG! And part. Only you don’t part. They parked beside you. A full block away. And you have to walk to you vehicles together. Do you talk some more? This situation gives me chills.
                Picture a Combo Deal: You say goodbye, walk to your cars together very awkwardly, laugh nervously and say “OK, haha, goodbye FOR REAL this time!” get in your car, drive away, and end up at the same stoplight together. Sheesh, you might as well just move in together.

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